Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Already lied

OK so I've already made one promise I couldn't keep or didn't (reality is I just didn't do it).  I was going to post about making my first laundry detergent yesterday and didn't.  But I did make it.  Yeah me!  I had fun doing it too.  Even had two little helpers to stir for me.


And Noah our littlest character.
But I'm getting ahead of my self. 
Not pictured is the Fels-Naptha that I had already shaved into pieces.
So on Jan. 1st, 2012 I did make it.  We gathered the ingredients and started the process.  We watched football and walkers(huge Walking Dead fans) and stirred our little creation.  Fun together.  I was glad to have little hands to stir because I tend to be a little on the strict side of reading directions and rereading directions.  So I could keep researching and rechecking what we were doing as they stirred.  I have to laugh at that because my sweet hubby likes to poke fun at my being a rules girl.  I don't like to "cook" because the recipes seem so intense or tedious where as he likes to create in the kitchen.  I do love to bake however and you pretty much have to follow directions to get the results you hoped for.  Pretty safe I think.  But it's also what got me to 200lbs, more about that on another post.
  So anyways following directions for creating a science experiment is right up my alley.  Really enjoyed it and can't wait to actually use it.  It's just sitting in the tub and I'm thinking I'm going to look for some kind of yummy, clean smelling essential oil to add to it. But as far as I know it looks good.
What do you think?  It has the consistency of snot and no separating.
  I followed a combination of recipes and I ended up using 1C. of the soda, 1C. of the Borax and a whole bar of the Fels-Naptha.  The five gallon bucket isn't filled so I'm thinking it's pretty concentrated.  I will probably be able to use less than 1/2C per load.  I will just have to see.

  OK so on to another note, today the kids went back to school which means I have to get back to my routine. Urghhhhh! I've been working on my health since forever but committed to it almost 3 yrs ago.  So back to the gym I went.  For my favorite class, Zumba, but I just wasn't excited.  But I did it and I was glad I did.  I haven't gotten on the scale since before the Christmas break but I know I haven't eaten well.  To be totally honest I've eaten pretty much every sweet thing in the house without abandon.  And enjoyed every minute of it. But I also didn't go to the gym once during the break.  All progress I made during my return this fall (I had a rough summer)I feel like is hanging on by a thread.  If at all.  So as with my resolution to be more frugal financially, I feel eating less and using my body more will help me be less all the way around. The whole less is more theory.  My hubby has also decided to join me on the new year eat less journey.  So we have set a two month goal (my 40th is in two months) to drop the weight.  I need to lose 10lbs at least and he wants to lose 20lbs. 
  Today we ate low-carb as that is the way he and I both have seen the best results.  He made a wonderful(without a recipe) chicken dinner with a cabbage side.  I wish I could just pull that out my hat.  But that's also why I fell in love with him.  He can pull dinner together from nothing or so I believe.  And we will just leave it at that.  It makes me smile just thinking about the first time he did cook for me.
  I hope you have a fond memory that keeps you connected to your spouse that hasn't changed over the years and still warms your heart.
  Tomorrow I will go back to the gym and try my hand at menu planning for a frugal low carb diet.  Hmmm not sure if the two will go together.  Any suggestions?

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